Thursday, December 13, 2007

Listed Green is making the news

(December 13 2007 - Las Vegas, Nevada)
Listed Green has been interviewed several times in the past few weeks, by various news organizations and television stations. Seems like we are starting to catch the eye of a few folks out there.

One recent news story was from TV 20, a full service and unique independent television station serving the San Francisco Bay Area, focusing on green news from all over the world.

Another news story came out of a local newspaper, the Las Vegas Review Journal, where it seems that some Realtors are trying to "ride the green wave" in this current bloated real estate market. This story shows some in-site of what's on the mind of a couple of Realtors, with not much "walking the talk".

Glad to see Listed Green out there, helping to set them straight.

I'm sure we will be seeing a notable increase of green news stories in the near future, as Listed Green continues to grow and gain much more attention to the general public.

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